Hair transplant operations are meticulous procedures that require extreme care and patience. It takes time to master this art. There are many reasons for unsuccessful hair transplantation, but […]
It’s clear that exercise and a healthy diet have a wonderful effect on the body’s overall health. In order to increase the endurance of our body, we […]
More people than ever before, especially millennials and especially for their hair, prefer natural products. They pay attention to plant botanicals as the main ingredient and almost […]
You must have heard that modern hair transplant treatments are now extremely fast, easy and the recovery time is just as comfortable. Yes, all true. Patients can return […]
Our body is actually the sum of many different parts. Although each of them seems autonomous, they actually work in communication and harmony with each other. Our bodies […]
Hair Transplantation Specialist and Researcher Aziz Aksöz: “Even though people avoided many medical operations during the coronavirus pandemic, they never stopped having hair transplantation,” and added: […]
Hair transplantation can be performed on people who have burned scalp, scars and hair loss as a result of a dramatic accident. Hair Transplantation Specialist and Researcher […]
Hair Transplantation Specialist and Researcher Aziz Aksöz explained that they achieved successful results with Fat Hair Transplantation, which is made with the use of autologous oil […]