Stem cell is the basic cell of all tissues and organs in the body. Stem cells, which are abundant in the umbilical cord, adipose tissues and blood, are used as a common treatment method in bone marrow transplantation and some blood diseases. The main features of stem cells, which play an important role in the regeneration of damaged tissues and organs, can be listed as follows:
– Self-renewal
– Ability to reproduce
– Ability to transform into another cell
– Ability to repair damaged tissue
With its features, stem cell therapy, which is applied in many serious diseases, has been accepted as an innovative treatment method for hair loss in recent years. Scientific studies and clinical trials show that stem cell therapy improves hair follicles and promotes new hair growth by tissue engineering. It has been observed that the stem cells obtained from the autologous cell source are processed and applied to the scalp, revitalizing the hair follicles. It is aimed to reduce hair loss by prolonging the anagen phase with stem cell therapy. As a result of the researches, stem cell therapy, which has become one of the most popular hair loss treatment options of the last period; It has been observed that it provides even more effective results when applied together with hair transplantation, PRP or mesotherapy.
How Is Stem Cell Therapy Done for Hair Loss?
The adipose tissue, which contains the hair follicles, is taken from the back of the ear. With the help of a special device, stem cells are separated and injected into the areas where the hair is shed. While a single session may be sufficient in stem cell treatment, several sessions may be repeated depending on the intensity of hair loss. While collecting from the donor area, the area can be anesthetized. Anesthesia is generally not needed during the injection phase of the differentiated stem cell. It is necessary to wait 6 months to see the definitive results of stem cell therapy.
What is Stem Cell Hair Transplantation?
Hair transplantation procedure is a surgical option applied in cases where hair loss due to various reasons is permanent. During hair transplantation, support can be obtained from stem cell therapy in order to strengthen the weakened areas and prevent hair loss in these areas. Before proceeding to the hair transplantation stage, stem cell therapy is applied.
Is PRP and Stem Cell Therapy the Same Thing?
Stem cell therapy and PRP are generally confused with each other. Although the mechanism of action of PRP and stem cell therapy is the same, they are two different treatments with different properties. PRP, which stands for Platelet Rich Plasma and means Platelet Enriched Plasma, has become a popular application in hair loss treatments in the last 10 years. In PRP treatment, the repair power of platelets, known as coagulation cells, is utilized. Platelet-rich plasma separated by centrifugation is injected into the hair follicles and stimulates and revitalizes the hair follicles. Platelets contain both growth factor and growth hormone. This ensures that new hair growth is supported. However, platelets, which have clotting properties, do not have the ability to reproduce. PRP differs from stem cell therapy at this point. Stem cells; It has strong properties such as the ability to reproduce and transform into another tissue and organ. In stem cell therapy, the stem cell’s need for growth hormone can also be met with PRP. For this reason, it is recommended to use both approaches together when deemed necessary.
As a result, all innovative treatments for hair loss, which have been developed in recent years and whose effectiveness has been clinically proven, can be applied alone or in combination. Stem cell therapy, with its reparative and regenerative effect, has become one of the most ambitious treatment options developed against hair loss.