Almost all of us are familiar with expressions such as “Beauty is only skin-deep, it is inside us” or “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”. While these words are true to some extent, it is also true that some physical imperfections affect our self-confidence. Here, at the beginning of the physical defects that affect our psychology, there is baldness, baldness, but the thinned form of the hair that has been shed in places.
Hair loss in men or women gives a feeling of old age and makes many people feel old and even ugly. If a person does not feel well and finds himself ugly, unfortunately, he cannot give that electricity to the eye that looks in front of him.
Usually, hair loss is genetic and cannot be prevented. But genetics is not always the culprit. There are also many other factors that can cause hair loss, including chemical damage. Hair loss caused by chemical damage, on the other hand, is a situation that we have seen quite a lot recently. It often progresses in the form of miniaturization, thinning and permanent hair loss in places. Fortunately, hair loss caused by chemical damage can be treated, and we can restore volume to this problem, especially in the hairline, with hair transplantation. But here are some issues that need attention. Let’s say you have a hair loss problem due to chemicals. When you come to me, I definitely do not direct you to hair transplantation in the first place. Because I would suggest waiting, at least 6 months. The hair follicle is in shock,It may be stressed but still alive or getting stronger again.
In this process, it is important to wait at least 6 months and then apply side hair treatments such as PRP or mesotherapy. During this 6, no intervention should be made on the scalp. It is necessary to trust the natural process, the flow.
Chemical damage and hair loss
Most people spend a lot of time, care and money making their hair look beautiful. Unfortunately, the more treatments you have on the hair, and these chemical-based treatments, the hair truly gets offended and says goodbye to your body in cries of leave me with me. All treatments to improve the appearance of hair can actually cause damage. Here are the so-called treatments that I am talking about. We can collect them under the heading of hairdressing applications. Hair treatments like perms, hair dyes, and straighteners all contain chemicals. When applied correctly by a trained professional, these products should not cause excessive damage to the hair. However, the bad chemical ingredients of these products, the inexperience of the applicator, incorrect operation, or excessive exposure to the hair can result in damage.If not properly cared for, chemical damage can even lead to follicle damage and hair loss.
Treating hair loss caused by chemical damage
Hair loss caused by chemical damage is a direct result of damage to hair follicles. Damaged hair follicles cannot grow new, healthy hair. Once the hair follicles are damaged, non-surgical hair loss treatments are unlikely to be effective. But I would like to remind you of the process I wrote above. It is important to leave the hair on its own and not to touch it for at least 6 months and if there is still no growth afterward, it is important to benefit from PRP and mesotherapy and even stem cell injections. Afterwards, the last resort should be hair transplantation. If, as I said, a hair transplant is our last resort, patients with hair loss due to chemical damage are typically great candidates for a hair transplant. It is possible to transplant hair to the affected area as long as the patient has a suitable donor area.It can add thickness and volume to the thinned areas of the hair due to chemical damage. This transplanted hair will give patients a naturally thick, attractive and natural appearance.
To avoid chemical damage to your hair, please consider the following: